Amanda Rich, Board Secretary


Amanda Rich, Ph.D., M.A.

is an associate professor of Human Services at York College of Pennsylvania where she teaches course work related to direct practice, administration, and public policy affecting human service organizations. She is the director of the Institute for Social Healing and owner of Open Roads Inclusive Community Consulting, LLC. Her work is rooted in the belief that human services have the potential to help make our communities more inclusive, diverse, fairer, and stronger. She has a master's degree in Applied Behavior Analysis and Special Education from the Teacher's College at Columbia University and a doctoral degree in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Delaware. Amanda is the author of Standing Together and Finding a Voice Apart: Advocating for Intellectual Disability Rights. She also has recently published an article in the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities entitled "Trauma-informed care in the context of intellectual and developmental disability services: Perceptions of service providers."