Training and Development Institute Calendar
Healing-Centered & Trauma Informed Leadership & Coaching
Healing-centered & trauma leadership & coaching helps those involved in supporting to identify and develop the skills and tools they need to promote physical, emotional, and relational safety and wellbeing for themselves, their teams, and people they support. This training will focus on strategies to recognize the signs of symptoms of trauma and chronic stress, understand its impact, promote resiliency, and help to build trauma-informed systems. This training is open to anyone who works within the disability service system who would like to continue to develop relationship-based skills needed to navigate through challenging times of chronic and traumatic stress. In this training, we will discuss:
The beauty of the human survival systems and its relationship to stress and trauma.
Ways to understand the nature, impact, signs, and symptoms of trauma within their teams and the disability service system.
Useful skills to respond to ourselves and others that promote connection, trust and safety.
The tools to develop policies and practice that help to avoid harm, reflect on leadership values, and promote collaboration.
Presenter: Amanda Rich
Dr. Amanda Rich is the owner and Chief Executive Officer of Open Road Inclusive Community Consulting, LLC. Formerly she served as the Director of the Institute for Social Healing. Her work is rooted in the belief that human services have the potential to help make our communities more inclusive, diverse, fair, healthy and strong. She has a master’s degree in Special Education from the Teacher’s College at Columbia University and a doctoral degree in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Delaware. Her professional work focuses on community-based support services, healing-centered engagement, trauma-informed leadership, and the health and wellbeing of the human service workforce.
Lunch & Learn
Join us for lunch and learn about a topic driven by membership!
Members attend free!
This month's topic TBA
Mastering Active Facilitation
2-Day In Person Training Event!
Tuesday, May 13, 2025 | 9:30am - 3:30pm
Thursday, May 15, 2025 | 9:30am - 3:30pm
Companions | 1531 S Edgewood St Ste P, Baltimore, MD 21227
Organizations are increasingly turning to collaborative approaches to get work done better and faster. This two-day course in the active facilitation approach presents the role of the facilitator as a combination of leading and supporting, and offers techniques designed to help groups be as creative and productive as they can be, focusing on the skills of opening work sessions, leading group discussions, helping groups reach consensus, managing conflict in group, using flip charts/white boards and brainstorming. Attendees will leave with a facilitator’s handbook full of tools and practice!
"I felt that a lot of the tools are manageable and something I can and will do".
"I personally came in with an expectation and this training exceeded all of them. Thank you. Ready to work."
"It was an awesome and enlightening training".
"I know how to effectively facilitate a meeting".
"Break out sessions, group learning and individual work were great!"
Lunch & Learn
Join us for lunch and learn about a topic driven by membership!
Members attend free!
This month's topic TBA
Not Taking Risks & What's At Stake
Risk for some is concrete, and decisions made about taking them are born from that foundation... What about the gray area? Isn't that where life lives? For most people, the answer is yes and the amount of risk one takes varies greatly. Who are we to determine this amount (or none) for other people outside of children? Examine your foundation and practices that grow from it. People with disabilities want people out of their way and to stick to service provision. Organizational focus and applies personally.
Presenter: Tracy Wright
Lunch & Learn
Join us for lunch and learn about a topic driven by membership!
Members attend free!
This month's topic TBA
Risk and Rights - It's Everybody's Business
This session is practical and active. Use a tool to work through all aspects of your work to determine Rights restrictions we may not know about and develop a plan to correct this. We will introduce a tool that assesses risk and plans through minimizing risk which is sometimes the very reason for restrictions. Attendees leave with both tools and at the very least a beginning of working plans to move forward.
Presenters: Nicole LeBlanc and Gail Godwin
Lunch & Learn
Join us for lunch and learn about a topic driven by membership!
Members attend free!
This month's topic: Supporting people who do not use verbal communication
Expectations Matter: My Life, My Choice, My Plan
Take control of your own life and services! Developed by and for people with disabilities, this practical training teaches person-directed planning and how to stay in charge of your plan as the expert you are. You'll leave with tools to prepare you for the person-centered planning process, working with team members, creating agendas, action plans and accountability. Stay in charge during your meetings or and get ideas to help if things don't go right.
All people with disabilities with any level of support and family members are invited to attend these sessions to learn!
Presenters: Tracy Wright & Elizabeth Graham
Outcomes, Goals ~ are Way Smarter than they Used to Be!
Presented at MACS 2024 Leadership Conference!
When you start with the person first, you never go wrong. Guessing and making up goals are a thing of the past. Start from the North Star (what people want from life) and work your way back in support of people and planning together. Goals present themselves when the person remains directing their plan and when they are connected to real thoughts about the future (whether that future is tomorrow or over years). Brush up or learn the basics of person directed planning, action planning and ultimately how to support people to arrive at "goals" so that they are the persons.
The Match! Person Directed Recruiting Planning and Hiring
The age-old “place an ad” and hire anyone “qualified” has had its run. When we work with people using a person-directed process to develop a recruitment plan and execute it, we get closer to the match we want in direct supporters, coaches, managers, etc. Join us to gain a set of tools for recruitment that may be new to you.
“These types of recruitment and hiring practices are right on target”.
“Life would be excellent if everyone was hired this way. I look forward to that kind of world”.
Human Resources 101 PLUS!
If you self direct your services in Maryland, you are a legal employer. Human Resources Management 101 PLUS is for people who Self Direct their DDA services (aka EMPLOYERS), Support Brokers and Team Members. Learn from a Human Resources Management Administrator and increase knowledge of human resources management practices, understand pertinent human resources laws, Equal Opportunity Employment (EEOC) and Fair Labor Standards (FLS) in our day to day Human Resources Practices.
Employers who Self Direct their DDA services may use their Participant Education, Training and Advocacy Supports funds for the registration fee!
If your Support Broker works for Shared Support Maryland, Inc. your registration is free.
Presenters: Shawn Lumpkin, PHR, SHRM-CP and Gail Godwin, Support Broker
Expectations Matter: My Life, My Choice, My Plan
Take control of your own life and services! Developed by and for people with disabilities, this practical training teaches person-directed planning and how to stay in charge of your plan as the expert you are. You'll leave with tools to prepare you for the person-centered planning process, working with team members, creating agendas, action plans and accountability. Stay in charge during your meetings or and get ideas to help if things don't go right.
All people with disabilities with any level of support and family members are invited to attend these sessions to learn!
Presenter: Tracy Wright
Risk & Rights: They Belong to the Person
This session is practical and active. Use a tool to work through all aspects of your work to determine Rights restrictions we may not know about and develop a plan to correct this. We will introduce a tool that assesses risk and plans through minimizing risk which is sometimes the very reason for restrictions. Attendees leave with both tools and at the very least a beginning of working plans to move forward.
Presenters: Nicole Leblanc and Gail Godwin
Maryland Self-Direction Summit Power Hour
Online via Zoom on November 1, 2024
Hosted by Maryland Support Broker Council & Shared Support Maryland, Inc.
Marylanders, join us virtually on November 1, 2024 at 12:00 p - 1:00 p for a celebratory informational session on Self-Directed Services. November 1st is a growing movement in Self Directed Services ~ check out Minnesota and New Jersey!
Self Directed Services is almost 19 years old in Maryland for people who receive services through the Developmental Disabilities Administration! Thousands of people are directing their services, we have a growing network of deep experience and knowledge and an incredible opportunity to impact each other. Let’s do that!
You should attend if you are a person directing your services, someone who is interested in directing their services, family and friends, or any of the people connected to the systems and services in support of Self Direction.
On NOT Taking Risks… What’s at Stake?
Risk for some is concrete, and decisions made about taking them are born from that foundation... What about the gray area? Isn't that where life lives? For most people, the answer is yes and the amount of risk one takes varies greatly. Who are we to determine this amount (or none) for other people outside of children? Examine your foundation and practices that grow from it. People with disabilities want people out of their way and to stick to service provision. Take an organizational (and personal) look at risk, how it's handled and it's impact on people. Examine your foundation and practices that grow from it.
General Admission: $55
Presenters: Gail Godwin and Tracy Wright
Supporting Autonomy ~ the Autonomy of People with Disabilities (Choice and Decision Making)
Autonomy and independence are different. Independence is being free from control and the help of others. Autonomy is the ability to act, make your own decisions... It requires experience to have autonomy. Faced with everyday decisions about doing for or supporting someone to do... To decide for, or to support someone in their decision making power. Who is making choices and decisions? Being honest about this and determining why this happens for someone allows us to plan forward and get out of the control seat.
General Admission: $50
Organizational Change and Person-Driven Provider Practices
There are endless ways you can move toward more personalized and self-directed services and be an agency that people choose based on the amount of choice and control you offer to customers. People looking for agency support can attend this session to learn what to seek in a person-directed organization. This session looks directly at your agency's specific operational practices. Learn why they need to change and develop a plan for them to shift in order to allow more service choice and control for customers.
“This inspired me to do more.”
Presenter: Gail Godwin
General Admission: $85
Lunch & Learn
Join us for a special hour of Questions and Answers where the topic is driven by our Training and Development Institute Members.
Guest Admission: $5
Risks and Rights: They All Belong to the Person
This session is practical and active. Use a tool to work through all aspects of your work to determine Rights restrictions we may not know about and develop a plan to correct this. We will introduce a tool that assesses risk and plans through minimizing risk which is sometimes the very reason for restrictions. Attendees leave with both tools and at the very least a beginning of working plans to move forward.
Presenters: Nicole Leblanc and Gail Godwin
General Admission: $50
Expectations Matter: My Life, My Choice, My Plan
Expectations Matter: My Life, My Choice, My Plan is a person-centered planning training developed and trained by people with disabilities and family members.
After the training, people with disabilities and family members will understand:
● Person centered planning
● Support available through the process of planning
● How to develop your plan and make it work
● Expectations for timelines and accountability
Who should attend? People with disabilities and family members who want to know how the process should go and how to be in charge of it, service providers, service coordinators, coordinators of community services, and supports planners.
General Admission: $50.00
Facilitators: Samantha Davis and Tracy Wright
Risks and Rights: They Belong to the Person
Offered 2 times during membership period!
Total risk avoidance has been programmed into the lives of people with IDD. Yet one of the best ways to learn, grow, and be successful in today’s world is to experience the taste of failure!
Join us for Risks and Rights: They Belong to the Person to change your mindset about risk, balance risk and choice, and ensure full enjoyment of fundamental rights while balancing risk impact.
During the training, you’ll:
Learn to balance risk and choice
Explore the tension between safety and empowerment
Gain tools to help manage degrees of risk in person-centered planning
Determine rights restrictions you may not know about or realize, then correct them!
This session is practical and active. We will introduce a tool that assesses risk and plans through minimizing risk, which is sometimes the very reason for restrictions. Attendees leave with both tools and a working plan to move forward!
Available as a free selection with membership.
General Admission: $60.00
Facilitators: Gail Godwin and Nicole Leblanc
Positively Supporting Each Other Through Challenging Times
Challenges come in many forms. We share our joys and our worries not only through verbal communication, but also through our actions, and behaviors. This session will help us to see the other side of the coin. Are we listening to what the behaviors and actions of the people we love are saying? Are we thinking about what needs are not being met? Using person-centered principles, communication, and learning where and when people have choice and control, we can create safe spaces - environments where people can express themselves in healthy ways and have their needs met. This session endeavors us to look deeper into the behaviors we and the people around us are expressing and how we can help communicate in ways that can be understood.
Free to Training and Development Institute Members
General Admission: $60.00
Organizational Change and Person-Driven Provider Practices
Offered 3 times during membership period!
There are endless ways you can move toward more personalized and self-directed services and be an agency that people choose based on the amount of choice and control you offer to customers. This is an excellent session (with a track record) for providers who want to look directly at their agency's operations and create an infrastructure that allows for person-direction within the organization. Learn why they need to change and develop a plan for them to shift in order to allow more service choice and control for customers. People looking for agency support can attend this session to learn what to seek in a person-directed organization.
This is a practical training session with time to think and plan built in. Session includes 1 hour follow up session technical support. Break it up into 2, bring your friends, make it useful. Great for teams!
“This inspired me to do more.”
Available as a free selection with membership.
Employers who Self Direct their DDA services may use their Participant Education, Training and Advocacy Supports funds for the registration fee!
General Admission: $125.00
Looking for other dates? Check out our full training calendar.
Human Resources 101 PLUS!
If you self direct your services in Maryland, you are a legal employer. Human Resources Management 101 PLUS is for people who Self Direct their DDA services, Support Brokers and Team Members. Learn from a Human Resources Management Administrator and increase knowledge of human resources management practices, understand pertinent human resources laws, Equal Opportunity Employment (EEOC) and Fair Labor Standards (FLS) in our day to day Human Resources Practices.
Taught by Ann Osten, PHR and Gail Godwin, Support Broker
Employers who Self Direct their DDA services may use their Participant Education, Training and Advocacy Supports funds for the registration fee!
If your Support Broker works for Shared Support Maryland, Inc. your registration is free.
General Admission: $45.00
Person Centered Planning and Support - People in the Lead of Planning and Strategies to Stay There
People being in the lead of their planning are catching on. Students are leading their IEPs! This session is for anyone leading or supporting someone to lead their planning process. When people work together there exist dynamics of hierarchy, people in charge of processes, and who knows someone best. This session helps us learn to work collaboratively, with the person in the lead. Leave with strategies of coaching and tips for everyone to assure that the person for whom the plan is for is directing the development and execution of their plan.
Available as a free selection with membership.
Employers who Self Direct their DDA services may use their Participant Education, Training and Advocacy Supports funds for the registration fee!
General Admission: $45.00
Lunch and Learn: Questions and Answers with SSMD
Join us for a special hour of Questions and Answers from the team at Shared Support Maryland and Guests! The topic will be decided by the Membership in advance, publicized and open for registration.
New Member Orientation: Training and Development Institute!
Welcome new members!
We are SO excited to launch our first ever cohort for the Training and Development Institute.
For this hour together you will get to know the other members, learn more about the membership program and what to expect, and leave with a greater sense of clarity about the journey you’ve committed to!
Training and Development Open House & Q/A
Gail Godwin will be meeting new members who are curious about joining us for the Training and Development Institute this year.
Want to meet some of the people who are thinking about joining us this year?
You're welcome to join us even if you're just curious, you want to hang out with other person-driven providers and people, you want to check out our training style, or you just want to hang with excellent people!
Person Directed Planning and Support - Direct Support and Person Direction: Who is in Charge and How do we Work Together?
This session exemplifies the relationship between a person and their direct support staff. For a person, their direct supporter could be the key to accessing the world they want and for the direct supporter, the person is key to their employment and quality in their daily work and for an agency; these two people are your most important asset. There is a natural wonder about who is in charge when you have a supervisor that is designated and different than the person you provide direct support to. If you are in charge, then why does your direct supporter have another boss or two or three. Excerpts from Make a Difference (Mount and O’Brien: permission granted) will be used in this sensitive and important session. Attendees will leave understanding the collaborative nature of this relationship and tools.
Available as a free selection with a membership!
General Admission: $60.00
Risks and Rights: They Belong to the Person
Offered 2 time during membership period!
Total risk avoidance has been programmed into the lives of people with IDD. Yet one of the best ways to learn, grow, and be successful in today’s world is to experience the taste of failure!
Join us for Risks and Rights: They Belong to the Person to change your mindset about risk, balance risk and choice, and ensure full enjoyment of fundamental rights while balancing risk impact.
During the training, you’ll:
Learn to balance risk and choice
Explore the tension between safety and empowerment
Gain tools to help manage degrees of risk in person-centered planning
Determine rights restrictions you may not know about or realize, then correct them!
This session is practical and active. We will introduce a tool that assesses risk and plans through minimizing risk, which is sometimes the very reason for restrictions. Attendees leave with both tools and a working plan to move forward!
Available as a free selection with membership.
General Admission: $60.00
Facilitators: Gail Godwin and Nicole Leblanc
Participants will increase their knowledge and implementation of Human Resource Management practices and understand law as it pertains to employer authority. Components of the sessions include Equal Opportunity Employment and Fair Labor Standards.
Available as a free selection with membership.
General admission: $45
Person-Directed Planning and Support: Getting Grounded
Foundational principles of Person-Directed Work are essential. In the most practical sense, they give us a baseline about where we are in our thinking, action, organizational practices, and systems. They provide a starting point or a refresher as people take charge of their lives through services, supports, and their schedules and as we plan to transform our work. Leave with your baseline and a general plan.
Free for Training and Development Institute Members
General Admission: $45.00
Positively Supporting Each Other through Challenging Times
Challenges come in many forms. We share our joys and our worries not only through verbal communication, but also through our actions, and behavior. This session will help us to see the other side of the coin. Are we listening to what the behavior and actions of people are saying? Are we thinking about what needs are not being met? Using person-centered principles, communication, and learning where and when people have choice and control, we can create safe spaces - environments where people can express themselves in healthy ways and have their needs met. This session endeavors us to look deeper into the behaviors we and the people around us are expressing and how we can help communicate in ways that can be understood.
Available as a free selection with membership.
General Admission: $60.00
Risks and Rights: They Belong to the Person
Offered 2 time during membership period!
Total risk avoidance has been programmed into the lives of people with IDD. Yet one of the best ways to learn, grow, and be successful in today’s world is to experience the taste of failure!
Join us for Risks and Rights: They Belong to the Person to change your mindset about risk, balance risk and choice, and ensure full enjoyment of fundamental rights while balancing risk impact.
During the training, you’ll:
Learn to balance risk and choice
Explore the tension between safety and empowerment
Gain tools to help manage degrees of risk in person-centered planning
Determine rights restrictions you may not know about or realize, then correct them!
This session is practical and active. We will introduce a tool that assesses risk and plans through minimizing risk, which is sometimes the very reason for restrictions. Attendees leave with both tools and a working plan to move forward!
Available as a free selection with membership.
General Admission: $60.00
Organizational Change and Person-Driven Provider Practices
Offered 3 times during membership period!
There are endless ways you can move toward more personalized and self-directed services and be an agency that people choose based on the amount of choice and control you offer to customers. This is an excellent session (with a track record) for providers who want to look directly at their agency's operations and create an infrastructure that allows for person-direction within the organization. Learn why they need to change and develop a plan for them to shift in order to allow more service choice and control for customers. People looking for agency support can attend this session to learn what to seek in a person-directed organization.
This is a practical training session with time to think and plan built in. Session includes 1 hour follow up session technical support. Break it up into 2, bring your friends, make it useful. Great for teams!
“This inspired me to do more.”
Available as a free selection with membership.
General Admission: $125.00
Looking for other dates? Check out our full training calendar.