Healing-centered & trauma leadership & coaching helps those involved in supporting to identify and develop the skills and tools they need to promote physical, emotional, and relational safety and wellbeing for themselves, their teams, and people they support. This training will focus on strategies to recognize the signs of symptoms of trauma and chronic stress, understand its impact, promote resiliency, and help to build trauma-informed systems. This training is open to anyone who works within the disability service system who would like to continue to develop relationship-based skills needed to navigate through challenging times of chronic and traumatic stress. In this training, we will discuss:
The beauty of the human survival systems and its relationship to stress and trauma.
Ways to understand the nature, impact, signs, and symptoms of trauma within their teams and the disability service system.
Useful skills to respond to ourselves and others that promote connection, trust and safety.
The tools to develop policies and practice that help to avoid harm, reflect on leadership values, and promote collaboration.
Presenter: Amanda Rich
Dr. Amanda Rich is the owner and Chief Executive Officer of Open Road Inclusive Community Consulting, LLC. Formerly she served as the Director of the Institute for Social Healing. Her work is rooted in the belief that human services have the potential to help make our communities more inclusive, diverse, fair, healthy and strong. She has a master’s degree in Special Education from the Teacher’s College at Columbia University and a doctoral degree in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Delaware. Her professional work focuses on community-based support services, healing-centered engagement, trauma-informed leadership, and the health and wellbeing of the human service workforce.